Create Commercial Subscription
  • 02 May 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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Create Commercial Subscription

  • Dark

Article summary

Create Commercial Subscription


Please fulfil the following requirements before creating a commercial subscription

  • You have successfully registered on cybernality and completed your profile.

  • You have a credit card to hand and can answer the required security questions.

  • You have specified the email address to which the invoices are to be sent.

Create Commercial Subscription

To take out a commercial subscription, please follow the steps described here:

  1. Log in to cybernality with your personal account.

  2. Visit the following URL:

  3. Follow the user flow instructions.

First steps after creating a commercial subscription

If you have successfully created a commercial subscription, these are the next steps you should take.

Check the created payment account:

  1. Navigate to Settings/Payment Accounts: → Here you can see a card with the payment account you have just created.

  2. At the bottom of the card you will find various setting options:

      1. You can call up and change the commercial settings via the "Stripe" button. Stripe is the payment service provider that we use at cybernality.

      2. You can manage the commercial admins by clicking on the corresponding icon. You are already registered as an admin.

You can manage the technical admins by clicking on the corresponding icon. You are already registered as an technical admin.

Check the booked subscription:

  1. Navigate to Settings/Subscriptions: and select your payment account in the dropdown. Tick the box to manifest this selection for the future. → Now you can see a card with the subscription you have just created.

  2. At the bottom of the card you will find various setting options:

    1. You can call up and change the commercial settings of this subscription via the "Stripe" button. Stripe is the payment service provider that we use at cybernality.

    2. You can switch the base plan of the subscription for example from business to corporate.

  3. In the middle of the card you see the plans that belong to your subscription. Here you can also add further plans to your subscription.

Create your first subscriber:

A subscriber is mandatory in order to use the information in cybernality. In contrast to the admin roles, subscribers can receive and read search results. A subscriber can either be a human cybernality user, an external email address or an api endpoint. To create and use a subscriber, it always needs a corresponding license in the subscription.

  1. Navigate to Settings/Subscribers: and select your subscription in the dropdown. Tick the box to manifest this selection for the future.

  2. Click on the Button “+ Subscriber”

  3. Select "external email recipient" and enter a display name and an email address. If you want to use your cybernality user, select "cybernality user" instead and enter your own e-mail address.

  4. After clicking on “Add” you see the new subscriber card. This subscriber can now be applied to a “notification option”.

Create your first notification option:

Notification options are the gateway to the outside world for information from cybernality. A notification option defines the transmission path and specifies the destinations for the information to be transmitted. A notification option always requires at least one participant as the destination.

  1. Navigate to Settings/Notification Options:

  2. Click on the Button “+ Notification Option”

  3. Choose type “email”

  4. Enter the required information and select the subscriber you have just created.

  5. After clicking on “Add” you see the new notification option card. This option can now be applied to a “feed”.

Choose the commercial subscription to use:

You can use cybernality with different subscriptions. On the one hand, you always have the option of using your personal subscription. But now we want to use the commercial subscription we have just booked to create the first feed.

  1. Navigate to Overview/Dashboard:

  2. Select your commercial subscription in the dropdown at the top of the navigation bar. This selection will remain until you select another subscription at this point.

Create your first feed:

A feed is an automated and customised search that provides you with new results as soon as they are available. In this example, we create a feed via the feed library.

  1. Navigate to Feeds/Feed Library:

  2. Select a feed template of your choice, e.g. “Apache All” by clicking on “Create Feed”

  3. OPTIONAL: A new form will open where you can customise the feed according to your needs. Please choose your notification option at the very end of the form.

  4. Click on "go back" either at the top or at the bottom of the form. You will now see the feed you created.


You are now successfully onboarded.

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