How does technical administration work?
  • 07 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

How does technical administration work?

  • Dark

Article summary

Technical management of the "Subscription" requires the "Subscription Admin" role.

Default assignment

The user who created the "Payment Account" was automatically assigned the roles of "Payment Account Admin" and "Subscription Admin".

Scope of a Subscription Admin

As a Subscription Admin, you can do the following things:

  • Manage Subscribers

  • Manage Notification Options

  • Manage Feeds

Viewing feed results

As a subscription administrator, you cannot view feed results. To do this, you need a subscriber role for your user.

Manage Subscribers

You can manage subscribers here:

You can have the Subscription Admin roles for multiple subscriptions. You must therefore always select the right subscription in the dropdown above. By ticking the box before “fix”, you can set a specific subscription as your default selection.

How many subscribers can I create?

The amount of subscribers you are allowed to create depends on your subscription. You can see the amount just below the heading:

The Subscriber Card

The list view shows a list of Subscriber cards which belong to the selected Subscription. For example, it looks like this:

A subscriber card shows the following information:

  • Name: the name you gave the subscriber

  • Type: one of cybernality user, external recipient or api recipient

  • URL (optional for api recipients)

  • Address (optional for external recipients)

  • Active: either yes or no

  • List of Master Users: The cybernality users which have the rights to administrate the Subscriber

  • Activity row for:

    • Activation or deactivation → deactivated subscribers release a licence and can be reactivated at a later date

    • Delete → deleted subscribers release a licence but cannot be reactivated

    • Edit → change name, url or address

What happens on Subscriber deactivation or deletion?

The subscriber can no longer be used. The connection to Notification Options is cancelled. This means that no more notifications are received. Deactivated subscribers can be reactivated later, unlike deleted subscribers. In any case, a licence is released.

Manage Notification Options

You can manage Notification Options here:

You can have the Subscription Admin roles for multiple subscriptions. You must therefore always select the right subscription in the dropdown above. By ticking the box before “fix”, you can set a specific subscription as your default selection.

How many Notification Options can I create?

There is no limit for Notification Options. You can create as many as you need.

The Notification Option Card

The list view shows a list of Notification Option cards which belong to the selected Subscription. For example, it looks like this:

A Notification Options card shows the following information:

  • Name: The name you gave the Notification Option

  • Type: Either Email or API Call

  • Assigned Subscribers: A list of Subscribers which are assigned as targets for the Notification Option

  • Activity row for:

    • Editing the details of the Notification Option

    • Deleting the Notification Option

What happens when I delete the Notification Option?

When deleting, the connections to the feeds and subscribers are cancelled. This means that the feeds no longer send notifications in this way.

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